immunization policy

immunization policy


Immunization Policy

The state of Indiana College Immunization Law IC 21-40-5 went into effect in the fall of 1995. This law affects full-time students upon initial enrollment at a state-supported residential college or university. 学生 not in compliance by the end of their first semester of enrollment may not register or attend classes during their second or subsequent semesters, until the requirements are met.

To be in compliance with the immunization law, ALL full-time students must provide documentation for the following:

  • Tetanus and Diphtheria toxoid or Tdap which has been administered within the past 10年. Documentation must include day, month and year of vaccination.

For students born on or after January 1, 1957 the following is required:

  • One 剂量 of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) on or after the first birthday. Documentation must include day, month and year of vaccination.

  • Second 剂量 of measles (rubeola) or a second MMR administered 30 days after the first 剂量. Documentation must include day, month and year of vaccination.

  • Tetanus and Diphtheria toxoid or Tdap within the last 10年. Documentation must include day, month and year of vaccination.

Meningitis B – 2 剂量 series – either under trade name of Bexsero or Trumenba is strongly recommended.

  All fulltime, first time students must either have received the Meningitis vaccine, OR sign the electronic meningitis 豁免 on their 澳门足球博彩官方网址X. 学生 sign into their 澳门足球博彩官方网址X, click on Student Self Service and go to the Personal Information tab. Click on the Meningococcal Risk Acknowledgement Link. Read the Meningococcal disease information, click “I Agree” and submit. You MUST click on “I Accept” on the next page, and submit. You will then see a message that you have completed the requirements for the meningitis 豁免.

学生 may provide documented serologic (bloodwork) evidence of measles, mumps, and rubella antibodies.

Religious or medical contraindication exemptions must be filed with the Vincennes University Immunizations, WAB1.

Acceptable documentation may include:

  • Physician’s immunization certificate

  • Immunization records from high school

  • Military immunization record (DD214 will not show immunizations)

  • V.U. immunization form completed and signed by a physician or county health department



Documentation can be mailed or faxed to the following:

Vincennes University Immunizations    
Vincennes University, WAB1
Vincennes, IN 47591

电话 812-888-4655
Fax 812-888-2295

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